Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Smoking - The Silent Killer

Smoking - The Silent Killer by Embla Verandi

Do you know that Ten Thousands of people around the World are dying everyday because of Tobacco?
One out of each six men is dying in United States because of smoking. It is pretty clear now that smoking is one of the main causes of death. If you smoke then you are also enhancing the chances of diseases that will end up in death. The main diseases due to smoking are the coronary heart disease, lung cancer, mouth cancer and severe problems concerning throat, bladder, kidney and pancreas. Most of the diseases are so severe that there are no treatments available for them. The severe gangrene problem has been found in the Diabetic patients, who smoke a lot.
Now, this is the high time and you must quit smoking immediately. Do not think that it is impossible for you to quit it, as there are many chain smokers, who have quit smoking. The only thing one needs is the determination and once you achieve your destination then you will feel happy and contented.
You Must Follow these rules to see the results:
First of all, you have to a firm willpower of give up this terrible habit. When you have determined firmly, and then make a decision of a day and date. Now, from this specific date, you will not lay a hand on the cigarette determine it firmly.
For a smoker, smoking is one of the fundamentals. Now you have decided to give up it and to attain the quit, try some other work at the time of smoking.
As the time of quit is forthcoming, try to reduce the intake of cigarettes and the circumstances when you smoke. Take a glass jar, fill up with water and drop all the butts of cigarette into it.
Try to concentrate on the advantages after Quit Cigarette, in your free time. You will find that quit smoking have much more advantages than smoking. If one quit smoking then there will be considerable minimization in the risk involved due to heart disease, cancer and other deadly diseases. Earlier you use to get tired up easily, but now you have more power. You will also gain resistance from cough, cold and flu.
Quit Cigarette will also save the money, which you were burning to destroy your health. Put all the money you spend on your cigarette in the glass jar and in one month see your savings.
In the primary phases, smoking will show its effects. It would be more or less impossible for you to handle this temptation. On the other hand, try to deflect your mind. You will as well have to expression a lot of troubles like headache, frustration and coughing. All these are positive signs. To steer clear of them drink water, make your hands and mouth active.
Do not bother about them, as they will decrease with the time. Throughout the early phases of quitting smoking, you may experience nervousness. To get rid of nervousness does not take caffeine drinks, inhale deep breaths and go for walk. The greatest way to handle the distaste is start-doing exercises.
Moreover, quantity of carbon monoxide in your blood will minimize and a considerable increment of oxygen. There will be glow at your face and your skin will turn pink. Your heartbeat will be normal and lungs become clearer.
Your risk to heart attack gradually decreases, if you are not smoking for a year or two.
To make it more interesting, look out for a friend interested in getting rid of it. Both of you can do wonders. Always try to avoid places that encourage smoking. After quit, many people usually put on a lot of weight. To avoid this, go for an exercise program, eat healthy food and improve your way of living.
Some drugs can replace the harmful nicotine. But, it should not be taken without the advice of Doctor. For instance, Nicotine gum, Bupropion, Nicotine inhaler and Nicotine nasal spray. These drugs will surely helpful in Quit Cigarette.
Now, you have acquired your destination. It is the time to reward you for your achievement. Get that glass jar and you will be wondered to find the amount you have saved.
Many times, even after quitting people smoke. Do not think that your efforts have gone wasted. You should only consider the advantages of not smoking and start following the path of not smoking. The best thing one can do for quitting smoking is the faith in oneself. Have faith in yourself and you will attain the unachievable.
Author: Embla Verandi - You can find more great info about quit Smoking on: http://www.smokingstopsite.com/ You may publish the article on your website if you do not change the article, and include all html as direct links to our site.

The Best Heart Disease Treatment by Ernest Barby

Heart disease is a serious illness but luckily it can be treated. Whilst there are no cures to speak of, some treatments do manage to successfully control the condition and help you to live a happy life. So what options are open to you then?
The Various Heart Disease Treatment Options Available
There are quite a lot of treatment options including medical treatment, self help treatment and alternative treatments to choose from. Basically it all depends upon your own personal preferences and it is always a good idea to visit your doctor before starting any treatments as they will be able to give you a good idea on whether or not they are right for you. Every person's condition is different and whilst some sufferers of the disease may only suffer from angina, there are others who have suffered heart attacks or strokes.
So, once you have worked out the seriousness of your condition, it is then time to find the best heart disease treatment for you.
* Medical Treatments
Generally medical treatments are the best way to go. They have been tried and tested and most of them work. You will also be monitored by the doctor as you are taking the medication so that is another advantage as it makes the treatment safer.
Medications are available to treat high blood pressure, angina, heart failure and high blood cholesterol as well as many other heart problems. These treatments do need to be taken regularly and often beta blockers are one of the best medications to go for. Again it will depend upon what your doctor advises.
Another great medical treatment which works well to keep the heart beating regularly and safely is a pacemaker. Pacemakers are fitted into the body and attached the arteries of the heart. The device sends small electrical impulses and encourages the heart to beat.
There are also surgery options but before considering any type of surgery, always talk it through with your doctor.
* Alternative Treatment Options
Some people prefer to undergo alternative treatments, though it is worth remembering that medical treatments should also be taken.
Generally if you want to try out alternative treatments options then getting plenty of CoQ10 Protection is a good idea. GoQ10 Protection is a nutrient which naturally occurs in the body. It is known to reduce the blood pressure and you can also find it in meat and fish as well as in supplements.
There are many alternative treatments which are designed to help with the various symptoms of heart disease so if you are after something in particular visit your local health shop and ask the experts there whether they have anything suitable.
Overall the best heart disease treatments are usually medical ones. They work, they are monitored and they provide comfort for millions of people each year. Always talk to your doctor to ensure that you are getting the right treat options for you and that way you should start to realize the benefits of the treatment as soon as possible.
About the Author
Ernest is the owner of www.HeartDiseaseToday.us you can view the website at: http://heartdiseasetoday.us/ , the site offers up-to-date information and tips about acne and many of the latest treatments.

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